Ramota Yetunde Oladejo: Finding your purpose is a journey, not a destination

Shinning the spotlight on Ramota Yetunde Oladejo, an artist and social entrepreneur, who found her purpose and path early. She is on a mission to positively impact both the environment and society. Her deep passion for sustainability, mental health and innovation led her to be the co-founder of The Green Fashion Factory, an organisation that transforms businesses into sustainable ones. Through her organisation, she revolutionises the fashion industry by promoting eco-friendly practices and raising awareness about ethical fashion. Omote Ro Dhe had a no-holds-barred discussion with Ramota and she opened up about what she is all about, her mission, vision, projects and more. 

Read excerpts of the exclusive interview below:

Can you share with us what initially sparked your passion for sustainability, mental health, and innovation, and how it led you to co-found The Green Fashion Factory?

The mother organization is Grace and Grit Social Enterprise which is an NGO- a non-profit organisation for combating human trafficking and gender-based violence, the Co-founders thought about how we sponsor Grace and Grit Social Enterprise. That was what brought about the idea and inspiration of The Green Fashion Factory which is a social enterprise for both profit and impact Ramota Oladejo(Co-founders/Creative Director): Ramota is a talented designer with a deep understanding of sustainable fashion. She manages the brand and leads the creative direction of our product range, ensuring that each piece embodies our brand's values of style and sustainability. Dr Foluke Badejo (Co-founder): with her background in social entrepreneurship and sustainability and her passion for creating a positive impact on the environment, she brings expertise in business strategy and sustainability. Abiodun Oladejo(Co-founder/Production Manager): is the production manager and is responsible for translating creative concepts into functional and innovative designs. Her expertise in sustainable design principles and garment construction ensures the quality and uniqueness of our products My journey towards co-founding The Green Fashion Factory was ignited by a confluence of passions for sustainability, mental health, and innovation. Early on, I became acutely aware of the environmental challenges our planet faces, witnessing the detrimental effects of waste and pollution.

Simultaneously, a growing concern for mental health issues and the need for innovative approaches to well-being captured my attention.

The intersection of these concerns led to the realisation that there could be a symbiotic relationship between environmental sustainability, artistic expression, and mental well-being. The concept of upcycling waste materials into fashion and art emerged as a powerful way to address these interconnected issues. This approach not only mitigates environmental harm but also provides a platform for creative expression, positively impacting mental health. The decision to co-found The Green Fashion Factory was grounded in the belief that sustainable practices and artistic innovation can coexist to create a positive impact on both the planet and individuals. By transforming waste into aesthetically appealing products, we aimed to challenge the traditional notions of fashion and art while advocating for a more sustainable and mentally enriching lifestyle. Our commitment to innovation extends beyond the products themselves. We seek to pioneer new ways of thinking about waste, encouraging collaboration with other sustainable industries. This collaborative spirit is driven by a shared vision of a circular economy, where waste is not seen as a problem but rather as a resource waiting to be transformed.

As a Climate Champion Award recipient, could you share some key aspects of your experience in the Climate Actor Accelerator Program and the impact it has had on your work?

As a recipient of the Climate Champion Award, my journey through the Climate Actor Accelerator Program, and my experience so far in the innovation journey was superb. I could understand and have a deeper knowledge of sustainable development goals. Climate Actor Accelerator Program (CAAP) exposed me to have deeper knowledge of climate change, environmental issues, upcycling and sustainability through our sessions with expertise in climate line. I learnt and have more insight into business model Canva, pitch deck, climate tech and application for grants. I was able to network with like-minded Climate Champions in line with climate change and environmental activists. The assessment given to us build my leadership skill, team work and collaboration, I now have more courage to advocate in public about the effects of climate change and waste management. It has been instrumental impacted, empowered and reshaping The Green Fashion Factory into a leading force in sustainable fashion in many aspects The Co-founders of The Green Fashion Factory benefited from personalised advice, refining our sustainable fashion approach and upcycling practices through sessions with leaders in the field of sustainability, climate change, business and how open to global opportunities which we are applying to our social enterprise. Engaged with mentors who provided invaluable insights into market dynamics, sustainable sourcing, and circular economy strategies that helped improve the work of The Green Fashion Factory. Actively participated in collaborative projects with other CAAP participants in my states fostering innovation and sharing sustainable practices with industry peers which impacted our work in our organisation. Established meaningful connections with environmentalists, industry leaders, and potential collaborators through purposeful networking events helps The Green Fashion Factory gain more recognition in the field of sustainable fashion. Training sessions, deepen our understanding of the latest trends in sustainable fashion.

Impact on The Green Fashion Factory Artistic Upcycling- Elevated our upcycling initiatives, turning waste materials into not only fashion items but also distinctive art pieces, setting our brand apart. Expanded our product range to include accessories, utilising innovative upcycling techniques for more diverse and sustainable products Integrated more sustainable sourcing practices, prioritising eco-friendly materials and reducing our supply chain's environmental impact. Infused educational outreach elements into our brand messaging- turning waste into wow, raising awareness about upcycling, sustainable fashion, and environmental stewardship.

How did it feel to receive the Climate Champion Award in 2023, and how has this recognition impacted your work and initiatives?

Receiving the Climate Champion Award in 2023 was an incredibly gratifying and humbling experience for The Green Fashion Factory and me personally. It served as validation for the dedicated efforts we put into making sustainable fashion a reality, particularly in our commitment to upcycling waste into artistic and fashionable creations. The award recognition opened doors for educational initiatives. We were invited to share our experiences and knowledge, contributing to educational programs and events focused on sustainability in fashion. It validated our mission, filling the team with a sense of pride in contributing meaningfully to environmental sustainability through our unique approach to fashion. Impact on The Green Fashion Factory The Climate Champion Award significantly enhanced our credibility within the sustainable fashion industry. Winning the award provided us with a heightened level of visibility. The media coverage and promotion associated with the award brought our sustainable initiatives into the spotlight, reaching a broader audience. The recognition facilitated new partnerships and collaborations. Other eco-conscious brands, suppliers, and even artists were more eager to align with us, fostering a network of like-minded contributors to the sustainability cause. Consumers increasingly value sustainability, and the Climate Champion Award became a symbol of trust. This trust translated into enhanced customer loyalty and a growing customer base, as individuals sought out our unique, environmentally The recognition served as a morale booster. Team members felt a deeper sense of purpose, knowing that their work was making a tangible impact and receiving external acknowledgement for their dedication

What challenges have you faced in addressing gender-based violence and human trafficking, and how have you overcome them?

While The Green Fashion Factory primarily focuses on sustainability in fashion, addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and human trafficking is a broader societal issue that requires a nuanced approach. My team and I acknowledge the gravity of these challenges and understand the need for a comprehensive response- The mother organization- Grace and Grit Social Enterprise is an NGO that combats one the most pressing global challenges we face today- Human trafficking and gender-based violence. Addressing gender-based violence and human trafficking often begins with raising awareness and educating both the team and the community. The Green Fashion Factory collaborate with the mother organisation- Grace and Grit Social Enterprise in organising trainings for students in government schools specialising in combating Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and human trafficking. Supporting Vulnerable Communities To address the root causes, The Green Fashion Factory consider initiatives, engaging in skills acquisition training Grace and Grit Social Enterprise in collaboration with The Green Fashion Factory spread messages of empowerment and solidarity against gender-based violence, through school outreaches and volunteerism. We the Co-founders engage Grace and Grit Social Enterprise in collaboration with The Green Fashion Factory in advocacy efforts to promote policy changes that address the systemic issues contributing to gender-based violence and human trafficking. We faced challenges of- Limited Resources We seek diversified funding, forge strategic partnerships, and leverage volunteer support to maximize impact. International Collaboration Build networks with other NGOs through volunteering and collaboration, international organisations, and governments to share best practices, and resources, and coordinate efforts on a global scale. Victim Rehabilitation and Support We establish support systems through a partnership including counselling, and training, to facilitate survivors' reintegration into society.

What message would you like to convey to individuals and organizations who may be interested in joining you on your mission to make a difference?

In joining hands with us, you become more than a collaborator; you become a contributor to positive change. Together, let's transform waste into art, fashion, and a sustainable future. The Green Fashion Factory is not just a brand; it's a movement, and we welcome you to I extend a heartfelt invitation to individuals and organizations who share our commitment to making a meaningful difference in the world. Our mission, rooted in sustainability and the transformative power of upcycling, is not just about fashion; it's a collective endeavour to reshape the narrative of our relationship with the environment and society. To Potential Collaborators and Teams We invite you to embrace sustainability not just as a practice but as a guiding principle. Join us in reimagining how business and creativity can coexist harmoniously with environmental impact. Collaboration amplifies whether you are an artist, a fellow entrepreneur, an NGO, or an individual passionate about sustainable living, your unique perspective and skills contribute to the collective strength of our mission. For organizations considering collaboration, prioritise ethics in your practices. We believe that sustainable business practices are inherently ethical, and together we can set industry standards that prioritize both people and the planet.

Success is relative, what does it mean to you?

Success is not a destination but a continuous commitment to making a difference in the world. success achievements of and extends into the realms of environmental impact, societal contribution, and the realisation of our social enterprise mission- leaving the planet better than we found it. My own way of thinking of success is our ability to empower communities. It means providing employment opportunities, especially to marginalized or vulnerable groups, and contributing to the well-being and development of these communities. Success involves creating a sense of pride and purpose among our team and those we impact. Success involves being a catalyst for positive change, sparking a shift in mindset towards conscious and responsible living. As a sustainable fashion company, success is synonymous with leadership in the industry. It involves setting standards for ethical practices, influencing policies that promote sustainability, and inspiring other businesses to integrate environmental consciousness into their operations. Success means being at the forefront of a transformative movement within the fashion landscape. Success is reflected in the awareness and choices of our consumers. It involves them understanding the value of upcycled products, appreciating the artistry behind sustainable fashion, and actively choosing products that align with their values. Success in this context means contributing to a growing community of conscious consumers who drive demand for ethical and sustainable products. It means staying ahead of industry trends, continually improving our upcycling processes, and embracing new technologies that enhance our sustainability practices. Success involves being agile in the face of challenges and proactively seeking innovative solutions. On a personal level, success is intertwined with a sense of fulfilment and purpose. It means finding joy in our work, knowing that every piece created tells a story of positive transformation. Success involves a deep satisfaction in knowing that our efforts contribute to a larger, meaningful change.

What advice do you have for young girls pursuing purpose but seem confused if they are on the right path?

My humble advice to young girls navigating the journey of pursuing purpose and feeling a bit lost along the way Try to understand that finding your purpose is a journey, not a destination. It's okay to feel confused or uncertain at times. Embrace the process, and remember that discovering your true calling takes time and self-discovery. Allow yourself the freedom to explore different interests and passions. Trying out various activities and experiences can provide valuable insights into what truly resonates with you. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. Listen to your inner voice. Pay attention to the activities and pursuits that bring you joy, fulfilment, and a sense of accomplishment. Trusting your instincts is a powerful guide to discovering your purpose. Reach out to mentors or those who inspire you. Their guidance and insights can offer valuable perspectives and help you navigate the uncertainties. Many successful individuals have faced similar doubts in their journeys. Understand that setbacks and challenges are an integral part of growth. Instead of seeing them as failures, view them as opportunities to learn and refine your path. Each experience, whether positive or challenging, contributes to your personal and professional development. Clarify your core values, knowing what truly matters to you can provide a solid foundation for aligning your actions with your purpose. Reflect on the kind of impact you want to make in the world. Networking can expose you to different perspectives, opportunities, and potential collaborators. Building a supportive network can provide encouragement and open doors to new possibilities. Understand that challenges are a natural part of the journey, and your ability to bounce back from setbacks is a testament to your strength. Keep pushing forward with determination. Take care of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Finding your purpose can be demanding, and self-care is essential for maintaining balance and resilience. Make time for activities that rejuvenate and inspire you. Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Recognising your progress reinforces your confidence and motivates you to keep moving forward.
