Stephanie Arimokwu: Mentorship helps one gain clarity and a higher sense of purpose

There is a twist to today's feature as we delve into the nursing field. Drums roll as we bring to you- Stephanie Arimokwu, a nurse intern and health content creator. Her expertise lies in aligning content with organisational goals and services. She fosters a deep understanding of health and wellness by crafting engaging and informative content. There is a lot to Stephanie that meets the eye. She is not just a beauty with brains but also a stickler for excellence in the health sector. Omote Ro Dhe had a great time engaging Stephanie in a chit-chat where she opened up about herself, mission, expertise and more. 

Read excerpts of the mind-blowing interview below:

Can you share more about your journey in the healthcare field and what initially inspired you to become a public health nurse, midwife, and registered nurse?

I have always wanted to be a major partaker and play a major role in the care and well-being of patients and people in general. About 6 years ago before I decided on nursing, the nursing profession seemed like the perfect career amongst other medical/health professions for me to play that major role. Up till this moment, I do not regret it at all. The other certifications like midwifery and public health offer wider areas of practice asides bedside nursing and add greatly to my knowledge base and career opportunities as a nurse.

What aspects of working in different healthcare institutions have contributed most to your professional growth?

Actively participating in and performing different clinical procedures such as client education, wound dressing, catheterisation and so on, during clinical postings has contributed greatly to my professional growth in the nursing profession.

How do you stay updated on the latest advancements and best practices in the diverse areas of nursing care you specialise in?

One of the ways I stay updated about the latest advancements in nursing is through platforms like LinkedIn where I get to interact with my colleagues and professionals from all over the world. I also do research as research is one of the best ways to stay updated on recent developments and to be informed about evidence-based practices.

Nursing often comes with challenges. Could you discuss a specific challenge you've faced in your role and how you approached and resolved it?

One of the challenges I’ve come across in my role as a nurse is in the aspect of understanding the job description amongst different health professionals who are collaborating to deliver quality care to patients. Whenever I notice that a colleague has acted in ways that show he/she does not understand his/her role/duty and limitations, I communicate properly.

Success is relative, what does it mean to you?

Success to me, means a balanced life. It implies balance in spiritual, social, professional, physical and physiological regard.

My advice to young girls pursuing purpose but seeming confused if they are on the right path is that they should seek a mentor. Sometimes, confusion can result from a lack of guidance and not knowing how to go about achieving one’s goals. Mentorship helps one gain clarity and a higher sense of purpose. Another important advice is to check if they are passionate about the course they are pursuing. If there is no passion, then that answers the question.
